Back in 2016 or there about, I endeavored to take a long distance biking/camping tour on my AZUB TRIcon recumbent tricycle. The starting point was near Bastendorff, Oregon and its ending point was planned for Southern California. Two hundred eighty-five miles was as far as I was able to go. Due to illness, I had to bail out. Every since the try I have been itching to try it again. This coming summer I am going for it.
One of the memorable moments of that trip was when Steve Green (my riding buddy) and I had to climb a 6 mile long, uphill mountain road with a average grade of 4 to 6 percent. Plodding along at 2.3 mph with 60+ pounds of camping equipment was arduous to say the list. I still plainly remember a column of large black ants, scurrying along, roadside, making only slightly less better time than I was making. Actually, if scale and size were taken into account they were making way better time than I was. Aside from the fact we actually made it too the top, the best part of the experience was of flying down the mountain at 40+ miles per hour.
Here is a bit of video that I shot of Steve and I on that trip. It was hard, but fun. It’s been in my blood ever since to give it another shot.
Below is a picture Steven zooming by at about 45 mph at the bottom of the mountain. There’s always a down once you’ve finishd going up.

If you want to see an entire 25 minute film of the adventure go to Steve’s web site. Use this link.
Anyway, after ascending that mountain it was decided, “If I ever do this again, a motor will be used.” Call it cheating; I don’t care! Actually, I’ve been doing some research and it turns out that e-assist or electric touring is becoming quite common. Thus, I have decided to install a Bafang BBS02 750W Mid-Drive kit to my TRIcon. At 70 years old, I’ll need the help. Below is a picture of the kit.

So far the installation has been very straight forward. I’m glad I did it myself, because I saved about $800 labor charges at the local bike shop. Winter is approaching now, but as next summer rolls around I’ll be planning and exercising and getting ready to hit the road again.
To help whet your appetite take a look at this YouTube video, Chapter 1 of a three-part series of the installation. I’ll post the next chapter soon, followed by the final chapter featuring the test ride with the new motor installed. Should be fun. Come back soon.