A Fantastic Exchange for Christ

I was so blessed and excited to be able to share my faith with Johan, a gentleman that wrote in with a comment. Here’s my answer to him.

Hello, Johan!

I’m too excited to wait a few days. Here’s my reply.

Before I proceed, please know I am not trying to proselytize you or convert you to my way of thinking. It is a rare soul indeed, if there is even one, who came to Christ because someone beat them over the head with the scriptures. So know, that’s not what I am trying to do. I simply want to give a clear thoughtful answers from scripture to the questions you raised, because it’s the proper thing to do. After all Christ Himself said, “All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to me I will never cast out.” (John 3:37). It’s all accomplished by the preaching of the gospel.

So here goes. I’ll break your comments down into sections so I can reply to them easier.

You said: I’m sure the other living things on different planets also have their own god as well.

I say: Sorry, but there are no other living beings on other planets with their own gods. I know it’s almost impossible to believe when you consider the daily headlines, but man is the pentacle of the Father’s creative activities. We are the only thing He created in His own image (Genesis 1:27). We were designed to rule over and subdue everything that He had otherwise created. We can discuss that later if you like, but here’s my point.

There is no other earth anywhere in the universe. Saying that is the same as saying that out of the countless quadrillions of sand particles on all the worlds beaches there must be two which are exactly alike. No! Or of the countless billions of snow flakes that have fallen, there must be two the same. No dice! I don’t care how many billions of galaxies there are out there – we are it! People need to get use to the idea, but they don’t want to because if they do, they will realize how special we are and how much responsibility we have to bear for what we’ve been given.

You said: And to say people who don’t believe in god don’t want to be held accountable for their sin is ridiculous.

I say: I understand what you are trying to say and actually agree, but here’s the problem: those who truly don’t believe in God have no reason to worry about sin or being accountable for it. That’s not to say that non-believers don’t have a sense of or know right from wrong. Everyone does. If one does not believe in God, why worry about sin at all. It doesn’t make sense.

However, believe me, Johan, I know God loves me, and I try my best to love Him back by keeping His word, but I DEFINITELY DO NOT want to be held accountable for my sin. Every Christian feels the same way. That’s why we flee to the cross to be covered by the blood of Christ. If you accept God as supreme authority and ruler then you also have to accept what He says: “They have all turned aside; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one.” (Psalm 14:3 or Romans 3:23). I can’t think of any reason why God would lie about it.

You said: And I don’t see how believing in a god is any more reasonable than believing that it happened by “accident”.

I say: This I must totally agree with. I don’t think faith can be quantified as something reasonable. To call something as done, when you can’t see it – well, not exactly reasonable. However, there is power there.

On the other hand, when I consider the mathematical odds against everything that is (including us) having come together by sheer happenstance and chance, I can’t buy it. To me it takes more faith to believe that. Anyone who truly believes that should take all their wealth and go to Vegas. You would have an infinitely greater chance of winning there than the universe having come together randomly. It goes against the very laws of thermodynamics (if I indeed remember them correctly).

You said: In my opinion, the thought of god exists only because humans seek answers by nature. And when their is an unanswerable question, we allow ourselves to indulge in comforting thoughts.

I say: Here’s something to think about: it is the very job and purpose of creation to testify to the glory of God directly into the heart of men. “For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they (men) are without excuse (Romans 1:20). That’s why tribes or people who have never heard the gospel of Christ worship through nature. It’s built into us as men. However, God says we must worship him, and him alone, not the things are are made.

You said: Do I know how the universe was created? No. Do I think there is an entity that created us and loves us and personally wants us to live by his rules? Absolutely not.

I say: I know how the universe came to be – God created it. What a mathematician He is – astounding! And yes, since He’s the guy who just speaks and stuff happens, I say He gets to make the rules. As it says in scripture, we are the clay, He is the potter. The clay does not get to say what gets made. That’s the potter’s domain. I mean, who actually thinks they’re going to have a successful argument with God about anything? It would be better to say, “I don’t believe”, as many do.

You said: I support your right to believe so, but I do not encourage statements generalizing the personality of those who don’t believe in the same things as you.

I say: I agree again. It’s not my purpose or job to put anyone into some box of generalities. “There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor? (James 4:12). Rhetorical question – no one is the answer. I was once under the same condemnation every man is under before he comes to Christ. I am flawed and imperfect. Praise God I am also forgiven.

You said: And I DEFINITELY would beware when doubting other possibilities when you yourself believe in something so contradictory.

I say: There are no other possibilities. Everyman man is appointed a day to die (even as Christ was), after that comes judgement. Contradictory? You bet. The scriptures say “If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” (John 15:19). I’m not saying you hate me, please don’t misunderstand, but the gospel of Christ for the most part is just foolishness to most of the world. Definitely contradictory. It’s just the way that God chose to save those He has called – through the foolishness of the gospel.

Anyway, I can’t tell you how excited and honored I am to have been given the chance to share my thoughts with you. It was truly a blessing. I hope at least a bit of what I said made sense to you and finds root in your heart.

Take care, Johan. All the best to you and yours,


Bless the Lord, O My Soul!

The universe; we're in there somewhere!

The universe; we’re in there somewhere!

Last night I was happily watching one of my favorite programs, “Through The Wormhole”, with Morgan Freeman. The subject was the structure and workings of the universe. I was enthralled as the program described how there are huge “black holes” marauding through space, tearing and ripping up entire stars, some of which are 100 times larger than our own sun. The immeasurable forces of gravity are slamming galaxies together, and in the process destroying entire solar systems or giving birth to billions of new stars. Quasars and pulsars shoot out bursts of x-rays and gamma rays deep into space at the speed of light. Evidently, rouge planets have been ripped from their host stars by gravity and are now just wandering the cosmos cold and alone.

It was almost too much to comprehend on a human scale. However, somewhere in this mix is our galaxy, the Milky way, one of billions of galaxies, and near the outer edge of the Milky Way is our solar system, one of trillions of systems in the Milky Way, and on one lone planet, at a perfectly placed distance from its host star, which by pure chance happens to be just the right size, inexplicably exists conditions perfect for life as we know, which just happened to come into existence by pure random chance and luck. Really?

Near the end of the show, the narrator described the universe as a web comprised of billions of pathways or arms, crossing across and through the universe, on which travel entire galaxies, colliding at the massive intersections like cars on a freeway, all controlled by the powers of gravity. He described the scenario as, “Seemingly random, but somehow evidencing great structure and order”. I just smiled. It confirmed what I already know – the universe is way too complex for it to have occurred by random happenstance or chance. In the scriptures it says that God made all the hosts of heaven calls every star by its own name. He uses His hand the measure the breath of the universe.

In Psalm 104:1-9, God’s care and power over all of His works are described:

Bless the Lord, O my soul! O lord my God, thou art very great;
Thou art clothed with splendor and majesty,
Covering thyself with light as with a cloak, stretching out heaven like a tent curtain.
He lays the beams of His upper chamber in the water;
He makes the clouds His chariot; He walks upon the wings of the wind;
He makes the winds His messengers, flaming fire His ministers.
He established the earth upon its foundations, so that it will not totter forever and ever.
Thous didst cover it with the deep as with a garment; The waters were standing above the mountains.
At Thy rebuke they fled; at the sound of Thy thunder they hurried away.
The mountains rose; the valleys sank down to the place which Thou didst establish for them.
Thous didst set a boundary that they may not pass over; that they may not return to cover the earth.

To me there is no other explanation for the workings and existence of the universe than from the hand of God Himself, the Master Craftsman and most Awesome Mathematician. The universe too wonderful to not have been created, and speaks directly to the hearts of men of the power and being of God Himself.

We are such infinitesimal specks, but to think that He is mindful of us and loves us, blows my mind beyond measure. Indeed, praise the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name.


Asleep In Jesus


It was Saturday, May 11, the day before Mother’s Day. My wife and I were at the cemetery putting flowers onto the graves of our parents. Hers are buried not far from mine. I was walking from one grave site to the other, reading the headstones as I went. One caught my eye. I don’t even remember the name or the birth or death dates, but the message of the inscription at the bottom of the stone really slammed home. It said, “Asleep In Jesus”.

Those three simple words spoke volumes. In the span of an instant I knew that there is where I wanted to be. In this life, that would be my greatest achievement, “Asleep In Jesus”. This passage from Psalms will help me explain:

My frame was not hidden from thee,
When I was made in secret,
And curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Thine eyes did see mine unformed substance;
And in they book they were all written,
Even the days that were ordained from me,
When as yet there was none of them.
(Psalms 139:15-16)

The point is this. I know there is a day coming when I will be no more on the face of this planet, but don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for my life. I am enjoying myself and hopefully have many more years left. I have no special desire to “check out” or “leave it all behind”. Dying is scary to say the least. Besides, I’d really like to stick around and see my granddaughter’s face. We can debate the point if you want to, but God will not have made a more beautiful child. However, those powerful words “Asleep in Jesus” have a connotation that goes along with them.

If a person is truly asleep in Jesus, it means that he or she took their last breath with hope in the work that Christ accomplished on the cross. It means that to the best of their ability they lived a life that was Christ-centered, thus they loved others the way God wanted them to. There is a strong likelihood that their life touched someone in a positive way. It means all of their sins have been blotted out and they have attained the righteousness of Christ Himself. It means they were chosen from the beginning to time to occupy a place in the coming Kingdom. It means they will be with Christ, and see Him just as He now exists.

When you are asleep in Jesus, the reward Christ promised to all those that love Him is on its way! Christ Himself said:

Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me.
In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you; For I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I come again, and will receive you unto myself; that where I am , there ye many be also.
(John 14: 1-3)

Man, that sounds great to me. I wouldn’t mind at all being where Christ is right now. So as strange as it sounds to those of us who are alive, being “Asleep in Jesus” is where you want to be.

Give your life to Him. Ask for His forgiveness and grace. His Peace and his Spirit will make their abode with you, and you will be guarded through faith until the last of your days. Better start making plans on how you want your room decorated. I have a feeling that no request will be impossible. Amen.

Amazing Love


Amazing love, how can it be,
That thou my God should die for me?

The above are two lines from one of my favorite hymns. Lately, the reality of those simple lines has really come home.

Think about it. Christ, who existed before the beginning of time, the Creator and sustainer of all things, foreknown indeed by His Father in glory, stepped into time and space for the express purpose of allowing himself to take on the penalty that was due me. God takes sin seriously. How serious? When you consider the nature of Christ’s death, you get a sense of how serious it is. Psalms 22:11-18 says:

Be not far from me, for trouble is near;
For there is none to help.
Many bulls have surrounded me;
Strong bulls of Bashan have encircled me.
They open wide their mouth at me,
As a ravening and roaring lion.
I am poured out like water,
And all my bones are out of joint;
My heart is like wax;
It is melted within me.
My strength is dried up like a potsherd,
And my tongue cleaves to my jaws;
And Thou dost lay me in the dust of death.
For dogs have surrounded me;
A band of evildoers has encompassed me;
They pierced my hands and my feet.
I can count all my bones.
They look, they stare at me;
They divide my garments among them,
And for my clothing they cast lots.

Christ’s death was a lonely one and excruciatingly painful. In the throes of His agony, no wonder He felt as if His Father had abandoned Him.

When I consider some of bonehead deeds I have done in my own lifetime, some caused by the ignorance of youth, some by sheer stupidity or immorality, causing hurt to not only myself but others, I know in my heart that His death should have been mine. Indeed worst would be my lot if He had not offered Himself instead.

This Easter I will remember Him, risen, sitting at the right hand of His Father in heaven, making intercession for me and all those who call on His name in faith. It truly is an amazing love, that the creator of the entire universe died for me, and that I will and now do have the privilege of spending eternity with Him in glory. The Word says I will see Him, and be like Him, and be where He is. Maranatha – come, Lord Jesus!

The Gospel – What Is It?

In order to understand why the Gospel truly is good news, one must understand what it actually is. Simply put, the gospel is a tale of God’s greatness, and his love and mercy toward fallen humanity, particularly me. There are many Bible verses that support the following paragraphs, but I will not toss you to and fro between them at this time. In a nutshell the Gospel goes like this:

God Is Great

God is immense beyond comprehension. He created all things; the universe fits into the palm of his hand. He is unimaginably awesome in power, righteousness, perfection, and holiness. He is the creator of all things, and sustains all things. He created all life, including me through His vast power and loving will. I owe all to Him. He is worthy off all the praise, admiration, glory, and reverence I can muster.

I Have Fallen Short

Instead of being thankful for what God has done for me and humbly submitting to His will for my live, I rebelled, and broke the letter and spirit of God’s law in countless ways. I am ensnared and bound as a slave to my sin. I am guilty before God and worthy to receive whatever righteous judgement He deems appropriate. I am lost and without hope of ever doing anything that could pay Him back or avoid His wrath.

God Stepped Into Space and Time

Sin cannot go unpunished. As a matter of fact, God says that apart from the shedding of blood there is no expunging of sin. Thankfully, God gave me a way out. In His great love for me, He sent His own son, Jesus, into the world on my behalf. Jesus took on flesh, became a man, and as a man lived a perfectly sinless, God-centered life. Ultimately, in perfect submission to the will of His Father, Jesus laid down His own life as payment for the sins that were mine.

My Salvation

Three days later, God raised His Son from the dead and exalted Him to His own right hand,  where He reigns in complete authority over all power and principality. By doing so, God declared that Jesus’ death is completely sufficient to forgive and cleanse all sin. The instant I placed my faith in Jesus and His work on the cross, God instantly granted me total forgiveness of all my sins, past, present, and future. God poured his Holy Spirit into my heart. I was spiritually reborn as a child of God, and became a joint heir with Christ in the kingdom which is to come. Sin no longer has power over me, and I do not have to obey it anymore. I have a new Master, one who literally loves me to death.

Wow! If that is not Good News Only, what is? That’s the Gospel in a nut shell. Over time I will share more about the Word and its power. Thanks for visiting and please feel free to comment or share your opinion.