Hello! Welcome to Good News Only.
The primary function of this site is to share the only truly good news there is, the Gospel of the Lord, Christ Jesus. When all is said and done, He will have preeminence in all things and the final word, so it’s important to understand the message.
Additionally, I will be blogging about topics of personal interest to us, such as gardening, cycling, watercolor painting, and whatever else we decide is worth talking about.
Occasionally I will direct you to my sister site Northwest Watercolors. There I will feature a gallery of my art work and some “how to” tutorials, and share some of the techniques I use when painting.
Anyway, for what ever reason you are here, I’m glad you are. If you wish to subscribe to this site you must specifically tell me so; use the contact form below. State your request on the message box. I will add you to the subscription list.
In the meantime, take care. God bless you and yours.